Les Brèves Maths-fi du
jeudi 9 novembre 2017.

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La Société Générale recrute !

Societe Generale

Avec 31 millions de clients dans 66 pays, la Société Générale est l’une des plus importantes entreprises de services financiers en Europe.

Que vous soyez jeune diplômé ou expérimenté, Société Générale vous propose une large gamme de parcours professionnels grâce à la diversité de ses activités et la dimension de son Groupe.

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Nouvelle opportunité ! Analyste Quantitatif - Data Scientist - Modélisation des Risques H/F (CDI, (Direction des Risques à Paris-La Défense).


  • École d'Ingénieur/M2 spécialisation statistiques, économétrie, data science
  • 1ère expérience (stage/alternance/CDD...) en modélisation statistique des risques.
  • Maîtrise R, SAS, VBA, C++
  • et des techniques de modélisation des risques : modèles économétriques, statistiques, probabilistes, machine learning, dataviz...


  • en charge du développement/suivi des modèles de risque (opérationnel, stress-testing...).
  • développement et/ou évolution des modèles économétriques, statistiques et Machine Learning appliqués à la prédiction des risques.

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[The Guardian] What are the Paradise Papers and what do they tell us?

[...] The name refers to a leak of 13.4m files. Most of the documents – 6.8m – relate to a law firm and corporate services provider that operated together in 10 jurisdictions under the name Appleby. Last year, the “fiduciary” arm of the business was the subject of a management buyout and it is now called Estera. [...]

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By Nick Hopkins and Helena Bengtsson
Source: theguardian.com

[Paris Innovation Review] Blockchain, a revolution of trust

[...] As the underlying technology used in Bitcoin, blockchain is shaking up our centralized institutions, which held until now a monopoly on the creation of trust. By allowing to build trust without a central authority, this ground-breaking technology will contribute to meeting the challenges of the great transitions of the 21st century but also change the organization of our societies, argues Philippe Rodriguez in his book “La révolution blockchain” (The Blockchain Revolution). [...]

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By Philippe Rodriguez
Source: parisinnovationreview.com

[McKinsey] The transformative power of automation in banking

[...] A second wave of automation in banking will increase capacity and free employees to focus on higher-value projects. To capture the opportunity, banks must take a strategic, rather than tactical, approach. [...]

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By Federico Berruti, Emily Ross, and Allen Weinberg
Source: mckinsey.com

[ECB News] 2nd ECB Forum on Banking Supervision, Frankfurt am Main, 7 November 2017

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB: 'European banking supervision three years on'
'Harmonised supervision has made European banks stronger and more resilient and thereby complemented monetary policy, says President Mario Draghi in Frankfurt. A bank’s risk is now less defined by the country in which it is located. But some weaknesses remain, notably high levels of bad loans.'

Read Speech
Source : ecb.europa.eu

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