Les Brèves Maths-fi du
jeudi 11 juin 2015.

Maths-Fi vous souhaite une excellente journée et vous propose cette semaine:

[Recrutement Profil Banque & Informatique] Nos Partenaires recrutent, candidatez dès à présent !

  Maths-Fi souhaite la bienvenue au Groupe SAB


SAB, éditeur de progiciels bancaires, recrute des profils Banque & Informatique
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[NYtimes] Britain Expects Initial Losses as It Prepares to Sell Its R.B.S. Stake

'LONDON — The British government is ready to exit the banking business, even if it means that it will record a loss on some of its holdings
George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, said in a speech here on Wednesday night that the government would begin to sell down the 80 percent stake that it holds in the Royal Bank of Scotland.'
Britain Expects Initial Losses as It Prepares to Sell Its R.B.S. Stake
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By Chad BRAY
Source: nytimes.com

[Lesechos.fr] La crise de liquidité, cette bombe à retardement qui nous menace

"Depuis la crise de 2008, les politiques des banques centrales ont produit un afflux de liquidités. Le paradoxe est que cette manne vient s'investir dans des marchés de plus en plus « illiquides ». Le risque de krach est réel. "
Lire la tribune de Nouriel Roubini, président de Roubini Global Economics
Source : lesechos.fr

[ECB News] Interview with Benoît Cœuré, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB

Interview conducted by Marie Dancer, La Croix, 10 June 2015
MD: Are we seeing a real recovery in the euro area?
BC: Yes, we are now seeing a recovery. Growth is returning in the euro area, including the countries that suffered the most during the crisis (with the exception of Greece). However, this recovery needs to be consolidated, as it is only just beginning and remains fragile. First of all, it is being driven by a number of temporary factors: cheap energy prices, combined with the low levels of both interest rates and the euro’s exchange rate, which are a result of our monetary policy. We will not be able to rely on these factors forever. [...]
Read more
Source: ecb.eu


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