Les Brèves Maths-fi du
jeudi 30 septembre 2021.

Réseau Maths, Finance & Big Data sur LinkedIn : +29.800 abonné(e)s merci ! Rejoignez-les maintenant

Maths-Fi vous souhaite une belle journée et vous propose aujourd'hui :

[Last Call Now! Data Science/Quant in Paris] Research,  Engineer Position Data/Finance Machine Learning in Finance - Young PhD in Data Science/Quantitative Finance

Keywords : #BigData #datascience  #python #deeplearning #quant #finance #research

► Starting this fall:
✔️ Research Engineer Position Data/Finance Machine Learning in Finance
✔️Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation, Sorbonne Université/Université de Paris
✔️ Funded by Fondation Natixis

✔️ Research assistance on machine learning problems in finance

► Profile:

✔️Young PhD in Data Science
✔️and/or Quantitative Finance

Research Engineer Position
✔️To be filled at the start of the next academic year (2021-22)
✔️ Beginning: September 2021
✔️At the Parisian laboratory LPSM
✔️Team financial mathematics and numerical probabilities
✔️For two years

Location: LPSM Paris Campuses
✔️ Campus Jussieu (75005 Paris) and/or Campus Sophie Germain (75013 Paris)

✔️According to experience
✔️About 2.500€ net income/month

► Application Process
✔️ Please send ASAP your academic resume and cover letter by clicking on this link

► For more details please contact:
✔️Stephane Crepey, Distinguished professor Université de Paris
✔️Gilles Pagès, Academic Director Master Probabilités & Finance (DEA El Karoui)
✔️Huyên Pham, Academic Director Master M2MO (DEA Laure Élie)

►  Application deadline: Until completion of the position 
Up to October 1, 2021

Apply Now! Click here to send your Academic Resume + Cover Letter
More information


In partnership with the Louis Bachelier LABEX.

15 research projects - €10,000

Deadline for submitting applications for this call for projects: 15 october 2021
Submit your project NOW!
More information

Scientific Director
Institut Europlace de Finance

A foundation of recognized public utility since 2005, the Institut Europlace de Finance aims to implement and accelerate the synergies between research/training in the field of economics and finance and professionals in the financial market.

The founders of the Institute have pledged to provide the resources for this initiative in the long term.

As in previous years, the Foundation is launching a call for research projects in 2021. This call is addressed to the entire academic community concerned without any restriction in terms of academic disciplines.

In partnership with the Louis Bachelier LABEX, the Foundation will be funding 15 research projects, each of which will receive financing of €10,000

The projects funded will focus on themes considered to be of major interest in the current context. These themes are grouped into six axes : Digital Finance (AI, MACHINE LEARNING) - ESG, SRI AND Green Finance - Geopolitcs, Risks - Recovery an Post-COVID Evaluation - Occupations and Methods... more information

All projects must have at least one researcher affiliated to a French academic institution. Projects involving several teams, especially those with a clear European dimension, will be examined with particular interest.

In submitting an application, project leaders commit themselves, if their project is selected, to developing it (through meetings and discussions between the teams) with one or more actors from the Paris financial market.

Where appropriate, responses to the call for projects may refer to links that already exist and can be strengthened in the context of the project.

Deadline for submitting applications: 15 october 2021
Submit your project NOW!
More information


[TheConversation] Difficultés de recrutement : les nouvelles clés pour attirer les jeunes

Les jeunes arrivant sur le marché du travail subissent de plein fouet la crise et l’envolée du chômage provoquée par la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19. Les chiffres en témoignent : en 2020, le taux d’emploi (nombre de personnes en emploi rapporté à la population) des 15-25 ans a reculé de 1,2 point, alors qu’il a diminué seulement de 0,4 point pour les 25-49 ans. [...]

Dès lors, comment faire en sorte que l’offre rencontre mieux la demande ? Pour les entreprises, comment bien recruter un jeune candidat qui rentre tout juste sur le marché du travail ?

Read more
► Par Elodie Gentina, Associate professor, marketing, IÉSEG School of Management
Source: theconversation.com/


[Dataconomy.com] Why Financial Service Institutions Need To Start Taking AI and CX More Seriously During Uncertain Times

If there has been a silver lining to the pandemic, it’s been added great momentum and speed to digital transformation. Financial Service Institutions (FSIs) are entrenched in an industry that is time-honored and, as a result, often old-fashioned. However, FSIs must embrace developments in technology, specifically AI and customer experience (CX), to keep up with modern customer demands.

Read more
► By Kiara Taylor
Source: dataconomy.com

[FOCUS 3C - Maths-Fi et BigDataFR] Connaître - Comprendre - Choisir

Le Focus Formation de Maths-Fi & BigDataFR a pour vocation la transmission d'éléments précieux :

  • aux futurs candidats, pour le choix de leur parcours d'excellence en Maths, Finance ou Data Science;
  • aux recruteurs, pour le choix de leurs futurs collaborateurs ou des formations à acquérir pour être opérationnel dans le domaine de leur choix et booster leur carrière

Le Format "Focus Formation" :
  • Mieux connaître une formation, un diplôme, un établissement
  • en comprendre les enseignements pour
  • mieux choisir ce qui correspond à l'évolution que vous souhaitez donner à votre carrière

Les Formats "Focus" de Maths-Fi & BigDataFR se déclinent en 4 thématiques : Formation, Business, Recrutement et Event.

Vous souhaitez communiquer sur votre structure ? Contactez-nous pour vérifier les disponibilités !

Statut com :

  • RESERVATIONS POUR SEPTEMBRE : dernières places disponibles.
  • POINT OCTOBRE-DECEMBRE : réservez dès à présent !

Format Focus MF - Infos-devis - 2024
Format Focus BigDataFR - Infos-devis - 2024

L'équipe Maths-fi

Tél : 01-42-77-19-72

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La CVthèque Maths-fi.com + 9.400 CV ingénieurs et Bac+5 spécialisés en Finance Quantitative : http://www.maths-fi.com/cvth/cvconsult.asp

Nos partenaires recrutent : http://www.Maths-fi.com/partenaires.asp

http://www.Maths-fi.com : +1.100 annonces emploi et stage, France et International, en ligne.
Le site de la formation et de l'emploi en finance de marché, ingénierie financière, IT finance, finance quantitative et mathématiques financières.

Maths-fi soutient l'enseignement et la recherche en finance quantitative : http://www.maths-fi.com/finance-recherche-enseignement.asp

Les Masters en Finance de Marché partenaires Maths-Fi : http://www.maths-fi.com/finance-recherche-enseignement.asp

La newsletter Maths-fi : http://www.maths-fi.com/dev/newsletter/ajout.asp