Les Brèves Maths-fi du
jeudi 4 octobre 2018.

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Maths-Fi vous souhaite une belle journée et vous propose aujourd'hui :

[#Must Read - Machine Learning] : Ebook – Introduction au Machine Learning


Comment gérer des données qui sont désordonnées, incomplètes ou dans une variété de formats ?
Comment choisir le bon modèle pour vos données ?

Téléchargez cet ebook sur le Machine Learning et découvrez :
- Les fondamentaux du Machine Learning
- Comment débuter avec le Machine Learning, de l’accès aux données à la définition des modèles.
- Les techniques d’apprentissage supervisé
- Les techniques d’apprentissage non-supervisé

Cliquez ici pour télécharger gratuitement votre exemplaire

[IMF] World Economic Outlook & Global Financial Stability Report - October Update

[...] Policy choices preceding the crisis and in its immediate aftermath influenced postcrisis variation in output. Underscoring the importance of macroprudential policies and effective supervision, countries with greater financial vulnerabilities in the precrisis years suffered larger output losses after the crisis. [...]

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[...] The forms of shadow banking more closely related to the global financial crisis have been curtailed, and most countries now have macroprudential authorities and some tools with which to oversee and contain risks to the whole financial system.  [...]

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Source: imf.org



[Fed News - Jerome Powell] Monetary Policy and Risk Management at a Time of Low Inflation and Low Unemployment

At the "Revolution or Evolution? Reexamining Economic Paradigms" 60th Annual Meeting of the National Association for Business Economics, Boston, Massachusetts.
[...] The unemployment rate stands at 3.9 percent, near a 20-year low. Inflation is currently running near the Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC) objective of 2 percent. While these two top-line statistics do not always [...]

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Source: federalserve.gov

[Bruegel] The EU – Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

This paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade (INTA) and analyses the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EUJEPA).

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By André Sapir, Sonali Chowdhry and Alessio Terzi
Source: bruegel.org

[McKinsey] Blockchain explained: What it is and isn’t, and why it matters

[...] In this episode of the McKinsey Podcast, McKinsey partners Brant Carson and Matt Higginson speak with Simon London not only about how companies can drive business value through blockchain—but also how business leaders can determine when blockchain is and isn’t the right innovation. [...]

Source: mckinsey.com

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